.Before You Follow. not spoiler free, i vent sometimes, rt heavy, i repeat words/phrases alot, i talk about my fav characters alot, i block ppl that slightly annoys me

.DNI. basic dni criteria, bigots, -15, sexualizes minors/ charcters that are minors, proshippers, participates in ship discourse, supports incest, can't respect opinions, toxic genshin fans, toxic danganronpa fans, ff7 shippers, mcyt/ dsmp fans, thinks "blackwashing" is real, thinks its okay for white people to wear black hairstyles, has a problem with people making black character edits, speaks on topics that doesn't affect you, non-black and says the n word, zionist/ doesn't support palestine


kingdom hearts, ffx, ff15, ff7, twewy, neo twewy, p5r, tloz twilight princess, tloz wind waker, tloz skyward sword, secret of mana, donkey kong, metroid, mario, pokemon


hxh, tokyo revengers, jjba, kny, black butler, jjk